Laminate Flooring Photo Gallery
Brand Overview

Shaw Laminate Flooring
Shaw Laminate Flooring is naturally durable, making cleaning a breeze. Here, we’re going to give you the crash course on how to care for your Laminate flooring and keep it looking great for years. Our laminate flooring is approved for use over radiant heating systems. Coordinating moldings give your Shaw Laminate flooring a finish with flair. We have plenty of accessories to complete your unique look.

Quick•Step Laminate Flooring
Profile | Website | Catalog | Install | Clean | Maintain | Green
Quick-Step flooring has earned the prestigious FloorScore certification for indoor air quality by passing the most stringent tests in the world. All Quick-Step products are officially FloorScore certified, giving families living on our flooring peace of mind that they are bringing a product into their home that meets strict indoor air quality standards.
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Mohawk RevWood Laminate
Profile | Website | Catalog | Warranty
Mohawk Laminate Flooring is designed for today's lifestyles. Beautiful Decorator Patterns; Installs Anywhere in the Home, Extremely Tough - the CrystalShield™ Finish is a rugged performer.
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Karastan® Carpet
Profile | Website | Video | Warranty | Clean
Karastan carpets are known for artistry, innovation and craftsmanship. Our sophisticated carpet styles range from traditional to contemporary looks and work great in today’s home, home office or business environment. Selecting the right carpet is hard work. At Karastan, we can make your choice a little easier.
DeMar Wholesale Flooring

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